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Nabinam Exhibition









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The Nabinam exhibition

Nabinam is an autobiographical solo dance piece by Belgian artist Jean-Baptiste Baele, where he comes close to the audience to tell his adoptive story. During the research process of Nabinam, Jean-Baptiste and his team traveled to Madagascar, Antananarivo, to find answers about his past and tore-unite with the orphanage, Akany Tsimoka, that welcomed him as a baby. The pictures displayed are moments captured during their stay in Madagascar. All the pictures were taken by Belgian artist David Jacobs who was part of Jean-Baptiste’s team.

In this exhibition you will see: Antananarivo down townand its surroundings, The orphanage Akany Tsimoka, sea side of Majunga, andnatural reserves of Antananarivo. All pictures can be purchased. All profit from the exhibition’s sales will be directly sent to the orphanage Akany Tsimoka in order to provide school furniture and tools, beddings, clothings, and improve the orphanage facilities. Akany Tsimoka is not just an orphanage, but also a school establishment were children can receive elementary education.

Akany Tsimoka wishes to expand in order to welcome more children in need. We wish to help them as much as we can in their expansion.

Arrangør: Jean-BaptisteBaele